
WCC in the Community

We Care Computers, LLC  is committed to giving back to our community and proudly supports these organizations:

October 3, 2024

Avi in the latest West Hartford Life issue.

August 19, 2024

Avi at a ribbon cutting for Gameday Men’s Health.

June 28, 2024

Avi led the pack in a step challenge run by the Connecticut ABC (Associated Builders and Contractors).

June 10, 2024

WCC sponsored the West Hartford Little League Orioles this season.

May 14, 2024

News Break: Highlighting Local Innovation: West Hartford’s We Care Computers Expands Community and IT Services

May 13, 2024

CBIA Small Business Showcase

November 29, 2023

Podcast: Feeney Talks with Jorge & Avi (The Hot Wings Fundraiser)

November 16, 2023

Avi Smith-Rapaport, Owner, We Care Computers

Avi is among many other things an entrepreneur, having founded We Care Computers almost 20 years ago and grown it from a nights-and-weekends experiment into a thriving full service tech company with a great reputation and long list of impressed clients throughout the state and beyond. That’s reason enough to be proud, and he is, but Avi’s real mission is far more ambitious: Healing the world.

Yes, you read that right. He is just one man but he’s an extremely busy one with a fervent belief in the power of positivity. Avi has traveled to the Dominican Republic to help build concrete homes for sugar-cane workers who’d been living in corrugated metal shacks. He launched a program during the pandemic that put refurbished laptops into the hands of needy students. He wears pink with pride and has helped raise tens of thousands of dollars through fundraisers for the American Cancer Society. He’s irrepressibly upbeat, on the outside anyway, and truly believes that a world that’s scarred and scary in so many ways can, in fact, be repaired. “I think I just need to convince more people of it.”

Avi credits his optimism and philanthropic orientation to his mother and father, who were community minded and selfless, always involved in “Tzedakah”, a Hebrew word that’s come to refer to charity work. He attended Ezra Academy, a Jewish day school in Woodbridge and then Amity High School (class of ‘94) but also learned a lot during summers at Camp Young Judaea in Amherst, N.H. Next stop was UConn – where he met Erica, his now-wife and herself the owner of a local small business – after which came IT jobs that taught him a lot and also convinced him he could make it on his own.

“Being proactive is critical,” says Avi, referring not just to how the WCC team works to support clients but also how he approaches the business development side. One of his first decisions was to join the West Hartford Chamber of Commerce and he’s never really stopped networking. From sponsoring local baseball teams to serving on professional and civic boards and groups to chatting with podcasters to supporting important causes (Foodshare Hartford and the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure to name just two), Avi and his company are, as they say, ‘all in.’

Avi is an athlete (an outstanding baseball player as a kid, he’s now into triathlons and such and has done four-and-counting Ironman events). He loves spending time with family (including taking hikes with Erica and their dog Bradyy)) and is beyond proud of sons Maxx and Samm (both in college) for so much especially the communities they’ve instinctively created “and how empathetic they are for the world.” With his beard, his rugged good looks and his appetite for life (and good food!), Avi’s like the actor in those Dos Equis commercials – you know, ‘The Most Interesting Man in the World.” All of which brings us back to the world … and Avi’s desire to heal it.

The Chinese proverb says that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and Avi can relate. Ironman events start with a 2.4 mile swim, followed by a 112-mile bike ride and then a 26.2 mile run. Brutal. So he trains hard and on race day takes it one step, one stage at a time. Same as building a business. Get a client. Do a great job. Let the word spread. Repeat, repeat, repeat. It’s in Avi’s nature and always has been. “When I was growing up my folks used to say to me, ‘If you save one life, it’s as if you save the world.’” So he does what he can and he encourages others to do the same, or at least to do what they can do. “You don’t have to be a cancer doctor,” he says. You can make a donation. Plant a garden. Say hello. “I see so many people who are healers in their own right,” he says. “I love connecting with them and seeing what grows from it. It makes me feel good and I know it makes a difference.”

NOTE: Words and photos by Farrell Communications Consulting, specialists in business networking and a proud member of the West Hartford Chamber of Commerce.
For their website please click here:  Farrell Communications Consulting

February 9, 2023

ABC CT Event Recap

Thwarting Construction Cyber Attacks
Last Thursday, three CT ABC members teamed up to deliver a very informative and always timely presentation, providing views from a Cyber Security Specialist, Cyber Insurance Broker and Insurance Coverage Attorney when prepping for and handling a cyber attack. Founder of We Care Computers, Avi Smith-Rapaport kicked off the presentation by reviewing a variety of topics and some of the various threats businesses need to be aware of. Janice Strasser of Tracy | Driscoll reviewed the types of data stolen in a breach, statistics on coverage, and the importance of having a Breach Coach in that time of need. Closing out the presentation, was Eve-Lynn Gisonni from Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C. who really dug into the intersection of Cyber Insurance Claims and the Law.

CT ABC would like to thanks Janice, Eve-Lynn, and Avi for taking the time to meet with their fellow members.

Great Job Everyone!

Download the PowerPoint complete with the presenters contact information HERE.

January 28, 2023

Podcast: A Company Build on Caring About Community and Giving Back, Starting from the Top!

November 16, 2022

Real Men Wear Pink Celebration

November 11, 2022

Posting from Newsbreak from CT ABC

November 1, 2022

Avi at the ribbon cutting ceremony for G-Monkey.

September 15, 2022

Avi at the Real Men Wear Pink Launch Event
Hartford and Springfield Main Site

August 8, 2022
Avi at the ribbon cutting ceremony for The Performance Lab.

May 24, 2022
Meet & Mingle Networking Event


May 21, 2022
Foodshare – Walk for Hunger

June 21, 2021
Beautify Bishops Corner Planter

May 25, 2021
Donation Thank You

Hi Avi,

I just wanted to say thank you so much for the wonderful donation of computers to Mary’s Place! Our families are so excited. I dropped off the first computer after leaving your place to a little girl who is cared for by her grandmother and aunt. They have not had a computer in a long time since theirs broke. It will be so helpful for her schooling and so many other things… the family was thrilled. You have made such a difference so THANK YOU! I also wanted to say that Beth was very nice and very helpful so please send her my thanks!


Brittany Sheehan
Executive Director
Mary’s Place, A Center for Grieving Children and Families
6 Poquonock Avenue | Windsor, CT 06095
Tel: 860-688-9621 | Fax: 860-683-0206

December 10, 2020
2020 Destino Partnership Award
Prospanica Website


August 27, 2020
WCC at the West Hartford Chamber of Commerce 34th Annual Golf Tournament

Golf 2020 sponsor wrap up – We Care Computers

August 7, 2020
WCC in Today Magazine


June 4, 2020
Justice & Joy: We Care!


May 25, 2020
We Care in We-Ha Business Buzz

West Hartford Business Buzz: May 25, 2020

May 22, 2020
Innovation Hartford: WCC Students in Need Program


April 23, 2020
WCC Students in Need Program


Do you have a student in need of a computer?

In alignment with our mission, We Care Computers (WCC) would like to do everything we can do to help those in need.

We have a few desktops we are offering free of charge to those students who require a computer at home to continue their learning.

The computers will come with a keyboard, mouse and speakers. The exterior will be cleaned, and the machine will include the Windows 10 operating system.  This does not include setup or ongoing support.

If you require a monitor, please let us know.  Unfortunately, we do not have many but can do our best to help get you a monitor or find a low-cost option.

(If you are someone who would like to donate a flat panel monitor that you are no longer needing, please let us know as I’m sure they will be utilized.)

For those who would like a machine, send a direct message to Avi Smith-Rapaport or email him at avi@wecarecomputers.com with the subject line:  WCC Students In Need Program.  Include your name, the student’s grade and their school’s name.  We will arrange a safe, no contact pickup in West Hartford on an individual basis.

Together We WILL get through this.

We Care Computers has been doing its part for our local community and beyond since 2004.  WCC is a Managed Services Provider (MSP) and full-service computer technology company founded in 2004 by Avi Smith-Rapaport. WCC provides onsite and remote computer support to businesses throughout Connecticut and western Massachusetts. We offer Managed Solutions that work for your business and exceptional customer service and skilled professionals who are trained to listen and respond to customers every need.

*** Update 5/14/2020 ***

We have been successful in getting out almost 2 dozen machines to students in need.

How Can You Help?

Our gofundme page is live at:


The students are in need of:

  • Desktops or Laptops with an Intel I3 processor or higher (or equivalent)
  • Clean Keyboards and Mice
  • Chrome books
  • Ipads
  • Webcams
  • Flat panel monitors
  • Donations are also always welcome and we can then procure even more for the children

** We are only able to accept clean machines or devices that are functional.  Any device will be wiped clean and re-imaged with a fresh copy of windows 10.

Thank you to ALL of you who have donated devices to this cause !!

Friends of Feeney your support means a lot !

“Thank you so much, Avi! Cannot even believe this is real. Our families are very eager. This is going to mean so much to so many individuals, and finally these students will have access to their education.”
All the best,
Kim Guzzo
Elementary Resource Specialist (PreK-Gr.4)
Hartford Region Open Choice Program
CREC (Capitol Region Education Council)

“Hello Avi, It was such a pleasure to meet you and Erica. Your generosity is so appreciated! Your donations will have a tremendous impact on the lives of the students and families that received them.”

With Appreciation,
Jill Zaino
Instructional Coach
Hartford Region Open Choice Program
CREC (Capitol Region Education Council)

Special shout out to Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Hartford who donated almost 20 monitors. (Check out the pic of Andrea Kasper Head of School) Holy Cow!

The support these students and families are receiving is overwhelming and we are touched by your support.

***Companies that would like to make a financial donation can contact Avi Smith-Rapaport directly at avi@wecarecomputers.com.  We are putting together lists of what is needed and will be able to provide exactly what donations will go towards by next week.

January 10, 2020
Avi at the ribbon cutting ceremony for Frida.

December 5, 2018
Avi is back from his service trip to the Dominican Republic. Check out the DR page for links to videos and the blog from the trip.

December 3, 2018
Avi at the ribbon cutting ceremony for Tempur Pedic

November 19, 2018
Avi at the ribbon cutting ceremony at Balos Estiatori

November 1, 2018
Avi at the Grand Opening of Cost Plus World Market

October 23, 2018

Avi at the CTCSB Hospitality Industry Night.

September 26, 2018
Avi and Samm and are heading out in November to the Dominican Republic for their 3rd annual service trip.  Click here for more info and how you can support them.

September 24, 2018
Avi and Jessie at the West Hartford Chamber of Commerce 32nd Annual Golf Tournament

May 10, 2018
Avi and Jessie at the West Hartford Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours

April 27, 2018
Avi at the Grand Opening of Shake Shack in West Hartford

If you have questions or would like more information about WCC  please contact us or call us today at 860.836.4191.